oil painting


I made frames to hold my oil study panels. They turned out pretty great.

Frame Shot 01.jpg
Frame Shot 02.jpg
Frame Shot 03.jpg

Frames are pine edge molding, mitered and glued. Glued cloth strips for additional strength. Black acid free matte board sets the painting back from the frame. Glazing points used to hold work in frame. Framed primed and painted with several coats of semi-gloss black acrylic.

Morning Painting

I’m trying to paint every morning.   

All the paintings are oil studies and started around 6am. The scene is facing west toward the Whitestone Bridge and Manhattan. I adjust the horizon depending if I want to paint the foreground water, which is especially challenging. The short term goal is teaching discipline, and, in a couple of months, have enough to fill a really big wall. Long term, I want a better grasp of the medium so I can dump 50 hours on a painting (a maze?) and not be overly disappointed!

The panels are gessoed hardboard, 8”x12”

All these and more are now for sale in my shop!