Several people have asked how to get a copy of one of the foreign editions.
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Or shop from one of these links:


Von Hier Nach Da: Meditative Labyrinthe
From Here To There: Meditative Labyrinths

ISBN: 9783897779341

Amazon Germany - You can switch to English on the site

Amazon U.S. - From third party


отсюда туда : Книга лабиринтов: неспешные прогулки по улочкам, аллеям и тропинкам

From Here To There: Book of Labyrinths: Unhurried Walks on Small Streets, Avenues and Paths

ISBN: 9785001005803



Escape Great Labyrinth!

ISBN: 9784062204668

Amazon Japan - You can switch to English on the site

Kinokuniya - Japanese bookstore with outlets in the U.S.


Labyrintbogen: Gå på opdagelse i 46 3D-labyrinter

Maze Book: Discover 46 3D Mazes

ISBN: 9788771553765

Saxo - Danish online bookseller. In Danish


Magiske Labyrinter

Magic Mazes

ISBN: 9788283433166 Norwegian online bookseller. In Norwegian.

Note: I love how the publisher showed the maze partially solved on the cover... how clever!


Van Hier Naar Daar: Een Boek vol Doolhoven

From Here to There: A Book Full of Mazes

ISBN: 9044749633

Amazon Germany - You can switch to English on the site - Netherlands online bookstore. In Dutch.